Here is the programme for Interfaith Week
Due to the CORONA virus, all events will be online and we have linked up with the TV series Faith in Your City on Youtube which was recorded some years ago...
Sunday 8th November
1400-1500: Virtual Peace Walk on zoom (meeting ID 928 7547 9532, password 901729)
Faith In Your City video - YouTube - Christian Faith
Monday 9th November
1700-1830: Interfaith Dialogue on ‘Saving the Earth’ on zoom (meeting ID 931 0518 3322, password 890584)
Faith In Your City video - YouTube - Hindu Faith
Tuesday 10th November
200-1300: Interfaith Panel Q&A from NHS Solent Trust on Microsoft Teams
1800-1930: Parkes Lecture on ‘Jewish-Christian Dialogue in Marc Chagall’s Paintings’ with Claire Le Foll and Helen Spurling. Please register on the Parkes Institute website here
Faith In Your City video - YouTube - Jewish Faith
Wednesday 11th November
1050-1100: Remembrance Day Service, watch on the University of Southampton Faith and Reflection Centre Facebook page here
Faith In Your City video - YouTube - Sikh Faith
Thursday 12th November
1800-1900: Interfaith Dialogue at Solent University on ‘Stronger Together: The Role of Faith Communities in a Crisis’. Please email for the Teams link
Faith In Your City video - YouTube - Buddhist Faith
Friday 13th November
Faith In Your City video - YouTube - Muslim Faith